Friday, March 28, 2025
6:00 to 9:45 p.m.
Washington Hilton Hotel
1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW | Washington, DC
Dupont Circle Metro Station (Red Line)
Please join us for the 69th Annual Craftsmanship Awards banquet as we proudly recognize the significant achievements of craftsmen in the Washington Metropolitan region. We will be once again individually honoring the dedicated men and women who displayed exceptional skills in their trades over the past year.
Tickets Reservation
Tables seat 10 people. Individual tickets available.
$270 per person (purchased by March 13, 2025)
$300 per person (purchased after March 13, 2025)
Reservations must be received with payment by March 19, 2025.
Registration Closed – Please Contact WBC at 202-293-5922 or
Register Online *Â Â (credit card payment)
* You will be required to use your WBC Username and Password for registration. Names of Attendees are NOT required. Seating is done by company name. When registering, you will be asked for how many tickets you want to purchase.
PDF Form (email/mail)
Fees will be refunded only if WBC receives written notice of cancellation on or before March 14, 2025. In the event of written cancellation, WBC will retain $50 per person of initial fee to cover administrative costs. No refunds after March 14, 2025.
(Times subject to change) |
5:45 pm |
6:00 pm |
7:00 pm |
8:00 pm |
Dress Code |
Hotel Rooms |
Parking and Metro |