A key part of building trust throughout the real estate industry will be building up the real estate community – finding common ground, developing relationship-based strategies, and better getting to know and trust one another, even as we are less able to do so face-to-face.

So as we release insights in our “Value of Trust” series, we’ll also be sharing brief introductions to the team members behind them, starting with two authors of our introductory piece,  “Turning the property industry’s new normal into a better normal.” Put a face to each name, and read what they have to say about what’s next for the industry, the new role of trust, and the steps we can take to build it. Click on each author’s name to learn more or get in touch.

Pivoting parts of the property industry will require all of us to examine it from a different perspective, aligning people, place, and communities. French writer Marcel Proust said it best: ‘The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.’

Tama Huang, Chief Innovation Officer

When we think about real estate, we focus on metrics like cash on cash return and return on assets. But as we reorder our priorities, we should think about trust – another form of currency that will sustain your most important asset, your people. Think about the investments that really matter and how to build long-term value that can withstand the most challenging circumstances. 
Ira Weinstein, Managing Principal, Real Estate