News At A Glance

Washington, DC – On Tuesday, December 11 over 600 people attended the WBC Holiday Party at the Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, MD.

Thanks everyone for your support of Turning the Page! This year, WBC members and their guests donated over 800 high-quality children’s books!


Washington, DC – Washington Building Congress hosted a Regional Developer Forum panel on November 29, 2018, at The Wharf InterContinental. Panelists from Boston Properties, Carr City Centers, EDENS and PN Hoffman discussed current and emerging developments in the region and shared information regarding projects coming online over the next few years.

Speakers Included:

Jeff Kaufman
Managing Director, Development
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Pete Otteni
Senior Vice President, Development
Boston Properties
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Matt Steenhook
Vice President of Development
PN Hoffman
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Mike Wilson
Senior Vice President, Construction
Carr City Centers
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Enhancing WBC’s member experience – at the heart of new Chair’s strategic initiatives

Originally hailing from Long Island, New York, Michael Baruccheri—Washington Building Congress’s 81st Chairman—has called Washington, DC home since coming to the area to pursue his Master of Science in Engineering from Catholic University in 2002. Having had a strong interest in construction and architecture as a child, his progression through the ranks at AECOM Tishman to senior project manager, shouldn’t surprise you.

“I’ve always felt a sense of accomplishment that accompanies completing a project,” Baruccheri explained. “I have always been fascinated and enjoyed the construction industry.”

Throughout his 15-year career, Baruccheri has had nearly as long of a history with WBC. He first attended the association’s holiday party in 2004. “I remember walking circles in the room,” he said. “Not really knowing anyone.”

That soon changed, however. One of the AECOM Tishman (then Tishman Construction Corporation) executives suggested he get more involved with WBC and join a committee—which he did: WBC’s Hammerhead Committee. This committee is dedicated to connecting its youngest members—under the age of 40—with one another to foster and develop relationships to serve them throughout the course of their careers.

“From that point I always made sure I remained involved and active within the organization.”

And active he was. A few short years later, Baruccheri was nominated to WBC’s Board of Directors, providing him an opportunity for a more prominent leadership role within the organization.

Today, as WBC’s 81st Chairman of the Board, Baruccheri strives to enhance the overall member experience by establishing ways to provide new and improved opportunities to connect its membership, as well as recognize their efforts and achievements. To ensure the continued growth and development of this primary function, the association’s leadership committee recently met to review, discuss and develop WBC’s strategic plan for better serving its membership.

“As part of this strategic initiative,” he said, “in the coming months and years, WBC will be focused on several targeted improvements—a road map towards our organization’s future—including enhancing the capability of our website, a renewed focus on regional development and increased support to member services.”

The first initiative is to upgrade the organization’s website’s functionality by improving its online tools—permitting its members better opportunities to connect online.

“To me, one of WBC’s most significant member benefits is the ability to connect to other people within our industry,” said Baruccheri. “Personally and professionally, these connections yield new opportunities that might not have otherwise been possible.”

The second initiative involves a renewed focus of the Regional Development Committee.

“With the interest of the WBC membership, this committee will actively engage local and regional owners and developers in the DC area for increased participation in our organization’s events and committees.”

Finally, the third strategic initiative will be to provide increased outreach and support to each new member firm for their first year with WBC.

“This effort will be spearheaded by the Membership Services Committee and supported by WBC’s Vice Chairmen,” Baruccheri explained. “They’ll serve as liaisons of the organization—assisting new members in connecting with the membership body, events and programs.”

Baruccheri understands that providing these enhanced, expanded and improved member services is critical in ensuring the health of the organization as it moves forward into the future. At the end of the day, however, members will get more out of the organization with the more they put into it. “During the course of the next year, I encourage each company, and individual, to participate in WBC’s committees and engage in the services and programs that our group continues to offer!”

Washington, DC – Michael Baruccheri has been elected Chairman of the Board for the Washington Building Congress.

Representing over 1,050 members, the Washington Building Congress (WBC) is the largest commercial building industry association in the greater Washington and Mid-Atlantic regions. Members include leading commercial developers, building owners, general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, architects, engineers, attorneys, government officials, service providers and allied organizations.

Mr. Baruccheri is a Senior Project Manager with AECOM Tishman.

Other FY’2019 WBC officers elected were:

Chairman-Elect Brett Snyder – GreenBech Companies
1st Vice Chairman W. Emerson Teer – DPR Construction
2nd Vice Chairman Chuck Claar – R.W. Murray Co.
3rd Vice Chairman Robert Freas – Exponent
Treasurer Greg Koger – Holland & Kinght
Secretary Sean Frazier – HSU Builders
and Immediate Past Chairman Dan Buckley – Anchor Construction

FY’2019 WBC directors include:

Ken Ellis – RK&K
Bob Frew – Balfour Beatty Construction
Christine Heffernan – HESS Construction + Engineering Services
Mike Holland – Boston Properties
Gabriel Jahn – Dynalectric Company
Tara McCarthy – Gael Force Consulting
Kelly McGuire – Ruppert Landscape
Melissa Nelson – Carrier
Rob Wenger – WCS Construction


The WBC Nominating Committee has met and the slate of candidates listed below has been recommended for a vote of the membership at the annual business meeting on September 27, 2018.  The election will be held during the Fall Kickoff & Silent Auction.

Chairman of the Board
Mike Baruccheri
AECOM Tishman

Brett Snyder
GreenBench Companies

Vice Chairman
W. Emerson Teer
DPR Construction

Vice Chairman
Chuck Claar
R.W. Murray Co.

Vice Chairman
Bob Freas

Greg Koger
Holland & Knight

Sean Frazier
HSU Builders

Immediate Past Chairman
Dan Buckley
Anchor Construction Corporation

Directors (Term expires 9/30/2021)
  Kelly McGuire – Ruppert Landscape
  Melissa Nelson – Carrier
  Rob Wenger – WCS Construction

Directors (Term expires 9/30/2019)
  Bob Frew – Balfour Beatty Construction

The following directors will continue to serve on the board and complete their terms as listed below:

Directors  (Term expires 9/30/2020)  
  Ken Ellis – RK&K
  Mike Holland – Boston Properties
  Gabriel Jahn – Dynalectric Company

Directors  (Term expires 9/30/2019)  
  Christine Hefferan – HESS Construction
  Tara McCharty – Gael Force Recruiting


Respectfully submitted by the WBC Nominating Committee

Joe Schall, Chairman


TO:  Washington Building Congress Members

From:  Joe Schall, FY'19 Nominating Committee Chairman

The WBC Nominating Committee is seeking the recommendation of association members who would like to make a contribution to the overall goals and objectives of our association.  Qualified nominees have typically served several years in WBC volunteer roles as committee members, vice-chairs and chairs.

Please submit your nominations on this forms by Friday, August 24, 2018.  The election of FY’19 WBC officers and directors will take place on Thursday, September 27, at the WBC Fall Kickoff Bull & Oyster Roast at Columbia Country Club.  The new Board of Directors term commences on October 1, 2018.




CHAIRMAN-ELECT … (1 year term) …One Position

VICE-CHAIRMAN … (1 year term) … Three Positions

TREASURER … (1 year term) … One Position

SECRETARY … (1 year term) … One Position

DIRECTOR 2018-2021 … (3 year term) … Three Positions

There is no limit to the number of nominations a WBC member can submit. Self-nominations are permitted.

Please use one of the links below to submit your nomination:

Online Form


Download the WBC Officer & Director Nomination PDF Form


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Washington, DC – Owen Walker and Julia Kopcienski, both attorneys with WBC member firm Smith Pachter McWhorter, presented the informative Buy American, Hire American seminar on June 21 at the WBC.  The program provided a practical construction contractor’s guide to compliance with Buy American and other domestic preference requirements. The presentation covered the scope of regulations such as Buy American, Buy America, and the Trade Agreements Act.

The discussion focused on compliance with these regulations and the possible consequences of accidental or intentional non-compliance. President Trump ran on a platform of “Buy American, Hire American” so it is no surprise that strengthening domestic preference regulations is part of his administration’s agenda. What can come as a surprise to unsuspecting contractors is the complex and confusing regulatory framework implementing the current domestic preference requirements on government projects.

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Washington, DC – Prior to the Spring Networking Event on May 23, 2018, at Spider Kelley's in Arlington, VA, the Hammerheads Committee sponsored a panel discussion billed as ‘WBC Success Stories and Strategies’.  This informal discussion, geared towards new members of WBC, was let by a panel of current WBC Board Members, including one past Chairperson and the incoming Chairman for the 2018-2019 term, who discussed what they have learned in their time with WBC, personal experiences they have had, professional experience they have gained, and other ways that they have achieved success within the organization, as well as their individual careers.   This pre-event info session was well received by the nearly 40 people in attendance and the Hammerheads Committee would like to give a special thank you to Tamara McNulty, Mike Baruccheri, and Gabriel Jahn for volunteering to make up our distinguished panel.

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Washington, DC – Over 40 people attended the LinkedIn Workshop at the WBC office on May 16. This informative session focused on how the ultimate business networking tool has changed over the past few years and provided shortcuts and search tips to help open your own presence on LinkedIn, as well as prospecting and sharing news and articles.

Presenter Steve Hall is a member of the WBC Marketing & Communications Committee and has been a member of LinkedIn since 2006.  He is Director of Sales & Marketing at FiberPlus, Inc. and has been a professional trainer on LinkedIn for 5 years.

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