Josh Kappel

How long has your company been a member of WBC? 1966-1967

Why did you get involved with WBC? David Osei looped me into a Hammerheads meeting shortly after I moved to the area in 2018 and I haven’t looked back. It’s been great being involved with an industry organization outside of my company. I’ve loved expanding my network and getting to know the members on a more personal level over time.

Describe WBC in 3 words: Community, Opportunity, Dynamic

What company do you work with and what’s your role there? I’ve worked for DAVIS Construction for 6 years now and am a project manager in the residential/senior living market sector. I am also involved in the Employee Engagement & Retention committee, as well as our Build with Pride employee resource group.

What is your favorite event and why?  My favorite event is Cactus Cantina in August. The food and drinks are always a hit, and it feels like a reunion after the busy summer months.

What advice would you give to a new member? Don’t be afraid to jump in and get involved! It is amazing what doors are gradually opened by spending time on the committees, speaking up in meetings, etc.  

What prior committees have you served on? I’ve been involved with the Hammerheads Committee for about 5 years now, was the Vice-Chair for the DE+I Task Force in 2023, Chair for the DE+I Task Force this past year and have recently gotten involved with the Community Service committee.

What was your biggest accomplishment serving on the board thus far? My biggest accomplishment was organizing an LGBTQ+ construction panel in 2023 through the DE+I Task Force. I had personally never been to an event like that for the construction industry and it was really meaningful to be a part of.

Share one fun fact that members might not know about you: I am an avid baker, as those in my company and OAC meetings know. If construction doesn’t work out for me, I’d definitely open a bakery/café!

Favorite educational event you attended and why: I really enjoyed the industry titan panel event. It was very insightful and inspiring hearing from a handful of key players in this industry and how they have navigated it over the years. And it’s always a pleasure to hear Mr. Jim Davis himself speak!

Describe your golf skills: Development, just here for a good time.

Favorite Activity Outside of Work: Aside from baking, I love live music and I go to a lot of concerts in DC.

Favorite Place to Travel: Anywhere with a beach/lake. I’ve traveled to Lake Chelan the past two summers in Washington state; doesn’t get better than a lake with mountain scape.

Favorite Restaurant: Maydan in NW DC, it is incredible.

Favorite Tool: It’s fascinating to see a laser level in use in the field, such a fun tool. I have a small one for home purposes like hanging pictures, etc.

Favorite Trade: Probably flooring/tile, it is rewarding to process all of those interior samples and then see them come to life in the field.

Describe your family, animals included: My parents live in Pittsburgh where our family grew up. I have an older brother in Los Angeles, a little sister in Virginia Beach, and a little brother in Albuquerque – we are all over the place but it’s fun to visit each other.