Megan Ross

How long has your company been a member of WBC? 1997

why did you get involved with WBC? I got involved with WBC because I enjoy building my network and professional relationships. I have participated in a few networking groups and liked the diversity of the WBC membership.

Describe WBC in 3 words:  Diverse, Inventive, Fun!

What company do you work with and what’s your role there?  Coakley & Williams Construction, Project Manager

What is your favorite event and why?  My favorite is the Holiday Party, I love the venue and it is always great to connect with so many people during that event!

What advice would you give to a new member?  Get involved in a committee, it is the best way to make a difference and helps build connections that overall help the organization.

What prior committees have you served on? Hammerheads & Programs and Education (Chair)

Share one fun fact that members might not know about you: I am a big Philly sports fan, primarily the Eagles!

Favorite educational event you attended and why: I really liked the Industry Titans event, it is great to learn from these company leaders.

Describe your golf skills: Intermediate, I love to play and look forward to a beautiful day on the course!

Favorite Activity Outside of Work: I love visiting breweries with my friends and enjoying the good weather.

Favorite Place to Travel: Rome will always have my heart, but Vienna is one of my favorites.

Favorite Restaurant: Too many to choose just one!

Favorite Tool: Reciprocating Saw

Favorite Trade: I love concrete and steel

Describe your family, animals included: Most of my family lives in Philly area. My parents still live in the house they built in 1999. I have a younger brother, younger sister, and we have  a dog named Jameson.