Michael Holland

How long has your company been a member of WBC? 2002
Why did you get involved with WBC? I wanted to meet and learn from more leaders across the industry than I possibly could while working on a single project at a time.
Describe WBC in 3 words: Connections, camaraderie, collaboration.
What company do you work with and what’s your role there? I’m with BXP (formerly known as Boston Properties). As Construction Manager, I generally try to keep those three often opposed forces balanced – quality, time and cost. But my primary job is to remove obstacles in the General Contractor’s path and to ensure all parties are communicating.
What is your favorite event and why? There is not another industry event that can rival WBC’s Holiday Party for shear numbers and socializing. It could go twice as long and you still might not run into everyone you know there. But the Craftsmanship Awards Banquet (and the judging day as well) is more unique and meaningful because of the incredible pride people in our industry feel for a job well done.
What advice would you give to a new member? This is easy. Get involved. Join a committee. That is where you’ll make the meaningful contacts that lead to learning, to understanding another perspective, to long-lasting relationships. Nothing wrong with sharing a beer at the bar with someone you’ve just met at a social event. Those are great fun. But the relationships you build through time together in committees is what really leads to new opportunities.
What prior committees have you served on? I’m feeling old. The first committee I served on was Rob Wenger’s Green Building Task Force, when LEED was a brand new thing. That became the Sustainability Committee and, eventually, the Innovation and Technology Committee. I’ve also been active in Programs & Education and Community Services, and I’ve dabbled in a few others. There are currently 11 committees, so again, find one that interests you and pop into a meeting. All are welcome.
What was your biggest accomplishment serving on the board thus far? I don’t know that I’ve accomplished anything myself. But as a Board, I think we faced down a remarkable challenge during the pandemic. Imagine a networking organization where you can’t network in person. Talk about a pivot. There were some challenges to maintain our purpose and to ensure the financial well-being of the organization, as well as some tough decisions about how to, or whether to, host some major events that were the hallmark of WBC. Seeing everyone flock back to our iconic Holiday Party in person after the hiatus was amazing.
Share one fun fact that members might not know about you: I’m not all that interesting, but I just sent my last kid off to college, so I’m hoping to rekindle some of the hobbies I had before. Yoga, mindfulness, pole dancing (no one is still reading this, right?)
Favorite educational event you attended and why: I come away from all of the evening events glad I attended (shameless plug for the Programs and Education Committee). I remember in particular one that Paul Elias (Redbrick) hosted a number of years back at the Mayflower Hotel on Bleeding Edge Technology. The presenters were fantastic and so passionate about how they saw the future. It was a very uplifting, galvanizing message. Much more recently, I enjoyed the Industry Titans event WBC hosted in May. Most everyone I spoke with afterwards agreed they could have listened to that panel share stories and advice for another two hours.
Describe your golf skills: Ha! Ever go to a baseball game and see a bat go flying across the infield by mistake. That’s me with a golf club. Dangerous.
Favorite Activity Outside of Work: I’ve launched three kids to three different cities. Until a few weeks ago, they’re activities have been my activities. I love watching talented, creative people do their thing though. Put me in front of almost any live music and I’m happy.
Favorite Place to Travel: Wherever is up next. I enjoy the planning and anticipating almost as much as the traveling. Family trips usually involve National Parks and nature in some form. What we build as an industry can be really impressive, but it can’t hold a candle to what came before us.
Favorite Restaurant; That’s impossible to answer. So many amazing places in the DMV. I tend to try new places rather than become a regular. But for special dinners, I often seem to land somewhere with Jose Andres’ name on it. That man is amazing.
Favorite Tool: What the hell?
Favorite trade: Steven Souza Jr for Trea Turner (but that’s probably not what you meant)
Describe your family, animals included: My wife, who is a way smarter (and way better looking) than me, is a successful child psychologist. We have three kids – one son in Charlotte, one son in San Francisco and a daughter in college outside Philadelphia. So now we’re left with a terrific mini golden doodle who, while socially maladjusted, doesn’t blame us for all her problems.
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