Richard Mills

How long has your company been a member of WBC? 20+ Years.

Why did you get involved with WBC? I got involved with the WBC to challenge myself to step out of my introverted shell, develop my social skills, and become more comfortable in professional settings. It’s been a great way to expand my network and get involved with peers.

Describe WBC in 3 words:  Network of Colleagues.

What company do you work with and what’s your role there?  I work for Dynalectric Company, the leading data center electrical contractor, where I currently serve as a Senior Project Manager and look forward to a greater role in 2025!

What is your favorite event and why? My favorite event is the Craftsmanship Awards program because it recognizes the immense contributions of the skilled trades workforce, celebrating their dedication and exceptional efforts in creating outstanding projects. It’s a moment to honor their craftsmanship and the often-overlooked skill required to bring complex ideas to life.

What advice would you give to a new member? Don’t forget your business cards! Just kidding. My best advice is to actively attend events and set a goal to introduce yourself to a few new people each time. Over time, you’ll start to recognize faces and challenge yourself to remember names. Building those connections is key to making the most of your membership.

What prior committees have you served on? Innovation and Craftsmanship committees.

Share one fun fact that members might not know about you:  I’m an avid fisherman with a deep passion for the outdoors, something I shared with my father before he passed away when I was a young man. Now, I’m continuing that tradition by passing it down to my children, creating new memories while honoring the ones I have with him.

Favorite educational event you attended and why: EMCOR’s Leadership for Results at Babson College was my favorite educational event because it was an enlightening multi-day experience that really highlighted the company’s investment in its people. It not only deepened my leadership skills but also reinforced the value the company places on the contributions each of us makes.

Describe your golf skills: My golf skills can probably be summarized with two phrases: “Head’s up!” and “Where’s my ball?”

Favorite Activity Outside of Work: Hiking with the family and exploring new trails, especially if there are fishing opportunities along the hike!

Favorite Place to Travel: I’ve had the pleasure of traveling out west several times to Arizona, California, Nevada, and Colorado. The vast natural landscapes and unique geography are a refreshing escape from the heavily forested areas of Virginia. The open spaces and striking scenery always leave me inspired.

Favorite Restaurant: My favorite restaurant is Coastal Flats in Fairfax Corner, where my wife and I had our first date. We enjoyed the amazing ambiance, drinks, and food, making it a special place we still cherish.

Favorite Tool: My favorite tool is the computer. As an elementary school student, I was introduced to ‘cutting-edge computing technology’ on classic Apple computers in the early ’90s. That early exposure helped me develop essential skills and ignited my passion for learning and creating with this powerful tool.

Favorite Trade: My favorite trade is the electrical trade—no surprise there! As a child, I watched my father work his way through the apprenticeship program to become a journeyman electrician in IBEW Local 26. This inspired me to follow in his footsteps. However, after a few cold days in the field, I quickly realized my skills were better suited for the office, haha!

Describe your family, animals included: We’re an adventurous family of four, plus our lovable mutt, always on the lookout for the next great place to explore and create new memories together.