Tim Hogan

How long has your company been a member of WBC? 1985

Why did you get involved with WBC? I had  been to many WBC events earlier in my career, but got involved with the Hammerheads Committee in 2019. From there I joined the Programs and Education Committee in 2022, and have served as Vice Chair since 2023. I got involved with WBC because of the wide range of members from clients to trade partners to general contractors to vendors. I have never gone to a WBC event where I didn’t come away with a new and connection.

Describe WBC in 3 words:  Valuable business networking

What company do you work with and what’s your role there?  I work at HITT Contracting, as the Vice President of Project Solutions. The Project Solutions department includes Operations Technology, Sustainable Construction, and Virtual Construction.

What is your favorite event and why?  The golf outing and the holiday party. They both have great turnout and is a great opportunity to see old friends make new connections.

What advice would you give to a new member?  Make an effort and put yourself out there. WBC is full of knowledgeable and successful professionals that are happy to meet new people and provide mentorship.

What prior committees have you served on? Hammerheads, and Education & Programs.

Share one fun fact that members might not know about you: I am left-handed in almost everything except writing. I swing a baseball bat, shoot a basketball, etc. lefty, but write with my right hand.  

Favorite educational event you attended and why: The interior construction panel discussion in 2023. It was great insight from professionals across all sides of the industry sharing stories and sharing their outlooks on the future of the industry as it continually changes and evolves.

Describe your golf skills: Average, lucky to break 100. But I always enjoy being out there.

Favorite Activity Outside of Work: Running, and spending time with my family.

Favorite Place to Travel: Favorite place I have been to outside the country would be Ireland. Favorite place I have traveled in the country would be San Diego.

Favorite Restaurant: Vietfoods at Eden Center in Falls Church

Favorite Tool: Probably a sledgehammer. It’s fun to demo things and take them apart.

Favorite Trade: I am far from a skilled tradesman, but my favorite trade to observe is high end millwork and finish carpentry

Describe your family, animals included: My wife Julie and I spend most of our time nowadays chasing our son Benny around the house, the park, or wherever else we can get to. Benny just turned 13 months old and loves to run, climb, and laugh. He also loves watching the Patriots with his Dad. We love to get outdoors and go on walks, and love to travel (when we can).